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The Ballad of the Broken Batsman


In 1859 the American abolitionist John Brown was executed after the doomed raid on Harper's Ferry, an event that sparked the American Civil War.

This act inspired the song John Brown's Body Lies A Moldering In The Grave with it's world-renowned chorus of Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.

Today, we remember John Brown, known to his followers as the Wrathful Cloud of God, and his famous tune and pay tribute to a contemporary cricketer with this, The Ballad of the Broken Batsman.

The Ballad of the Broken Batsman

He walked out to the middle for he'd looked death in the eye

Doctors told him to retire but he said he'd have another try

He hoped that he'd be served up with a tasty juicy pie

Now he ain't gonna bat no more


Glory, glory hallelujah

The bowler ripped it right back through ya

It was hitting middle stump but you stomped off with the hump

Said you ain't gonna bat no more

He took his guard and settled in, he waited for the ball

His eyes lost all expression, his skin assumed a deathly pall

If you didn't know him better you'd swear that his name was Saul

Now he ain't gonna bat no more


The bowler started running in from 30 yards away

He knew if he survived one ball, the bowling he would flay

Alas it was just destined it was not to be his day

Now he ain't gonna bat no more


The ball hammered the batter's pad, the bowler gave a shout

The umpire considered it, he didn't have much doubt

And so he raised his finger and then he said "That's out"

Now he ain't gonna bat no more


He turned and left the middle and he walked off to the side

He tried to keep his dignity, he tried to keep his pride

And then he muttered something about a fucking great big stride

Now he ain't gonna bat no more


Now the batter knows we love him and he knows we want him back

And we hope that he relents and that he has another crack

And I really hope he doesn't think I've stabbed him in the back

Cos I want him to bat once more

Glory, glory hallelujah

You don't want it to end like this do ya?

I know you've got the hump but t'would have knocked out middle stump

Please come back and bat once more


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